April McGowan
Why I Write About Hard Things
I love contemporary stories that connect to the world around me. I identify with them, the struggles, the triumphs, the heartbreak, and the overcomers—those who overcome obstacles that are seemingly hopeless and come out the other side stronger in faith and spirit. This love of contemporary times, always changing, always challenging, cascades over into my writing.
People have asked me why I chose tough topics and don’t write fluffier stories–not that they’re complaining, mind you! But I do tackle issues that touch us and often wound us at our core. The easiest answer: that’s not what is on my heart and that’s not my personal experience. I’ve endured heartache, disappointments, and live with chronic illness and pain—and I know from listening to other’s stories, that I’m not alone.
I write about hard things because I see them in our community. I see brokenness, physical and spiritual. Unfortunately, I often see people responding poorly to that brokenness. So I write to shine a light on those issues in a way that hopefully brings understanding and compassion. Empathy. Hope. And my books always point to the giver of hope–Jesus.
People in crisis are often isolated. One of the most powerful things we can do for another is to validate their situation and pain by coming alongside them and just listening, maybe cry with them, and pray.
Romans 8:28
And we know that for those who love God
all things work together for good,
for those who are called according to his purpose. (ESV)
Notice it doesn’t say we’re going to have an easy time of it when we belong to God. It says He will take our struggles and work them out for good. He’s there for us to rely on, and to carry us through.
I write about hard things because we all face them. In our lives, in our loved one’s lives, things can be…well…hard. Sometimes even traumatic. And I want them to know their trials aren’t being overlooked. That they aren’t alone. Even though they might be facing the unimaginable, God still loves them. And if they belong to God through Jesus, He can make something beautiful out of those hard things. Nothing is wasted with Jesus. Your struggle and mine can have meaning, and it can be used by God to touch lives and bring healing to them–and to you.
April’s Chosen Charity
Portland Rescue Mission
What April has to say about this organization:
They have outreach to the homeless in Portland and the surrounding area. They love people by giving them a place to stay and heal, then addiction counseling, mental health services, and job training. Along the way they share the healing love of Christ. Shepherd’s Door is the outreach to women in addiction and homelessness, and they help them get their kids back once they are safe. They also have a small housing compound where women can live safely with their kids, away from abusive partners.