November 18, 2021
WhiteCrown will bring princess and royalty stories to inspire and entertain.
Cumberland, MD, Nov. 12, 2021 / WhiteFire Publishing Group, a faith-based publishing group with four existing lines, announced today the creation of a new imprint, WhiteCrown Publishing, which will focus on princess and royalty stories aimed at teens and adult women within the Christian market. The launching titles will be published beginning in late 2022; moving forward, WhiteCrown expects to publish 12-15 titles a year.
After publishing a series of princess stories in WFP’s young reader line, WhiteSpark, the team began to note something they had suspected all along—that these stories were instantly popular, and not just with the YA crowd. Women of all ages were clamoring to be swept away into a fairy tale. At that point, they began discussing a line of books focused solely on royalty. “What convinced me,” said David White, publisher and CEO of the WhiteFire Group, “was the absolute enthusiasm the idea received every time we mentioned it, among not only our staff and authors but readers in general. It seems that the allure of ‘the princess story’ transcends age.”
When asked about the popularity of their current royal fiction series, the Daughters of Peverell by Hannah Currie (Heart of a Royal, Heart of a Princess, Heart of the Crown), Creative Director Roseanna White said, “This generation grew up on princess movies and stories. Perhaps we’ve outgrown those in a way, but that love of all things royal is too deep-seated to ever really be overcome. When we see more grown-up versions of these stories, we just can’t get enough. It’s partly the sparkle and pretty things—but more, it’s that quest for true nobility of spirit.”
WhiteCrown will launch with a trilogy by Hannah Currie, a duology from prolific author Melody Carlson, and a stand-alone by bestseller Tricia Goyer:
Bring Her Home by Hannah Currie
This trilogy will retell biblical parables in a medieval fairy tale setting, with the good King Lior and his three daughters as the main characters in each novel.
The Princess Wars by Melody Carlson
This duology follows twin princesses in the fictional historical kingdom of Raspen, who have long been engaged in a rivalry that could tear apart the very kingdom they each want to rule.
Trust the Stars by Tricia Goyer
This stand-alone timeslip is inspired by the true story of an Italian princess who was sent to a concentration camp during WWII, pairing a fictionalized version with a contemporary romance.
Editors from the existing WhiteFire Group lines will receive submissions for WhiteCrown. “Enthusiasm for the new imprint extends to all our staff,” David White continued, “and everyone is excited to see what stories land on our desks.”
In addition to novels, WhiteCrown is also excited to bring readers tie-in products, regular articles and content about “all things royal,” and hopes to engage the audience through video as well. As these ventures develop, WhiteCrown will share updates with their newsletter subscribers and make public announcements via their website, www.WhiteCrownPublishing.com.
About the WhiteFire Publishing Group
WhiteFire was founded as a faith-based small press in 2005 by husband and wife team David and Roseanna White. Their line of fiction and non-fiction was built around the motto of “Where Spirit Meets the Page.” In 2018 they acquired Ashberry Lane, another small press, and turned it into a dedicated Christian romance imprint; around that same time they also launched WhiteSpark, aimed at young readers. In 2020, the WFP group teamed up with former editors at Dappled Things to create Chrism Press, a line of popular fiction aimed at Catholic and Orthodox readers. The WhiteFire Publishing Group has titles by bestselling and award-winning Christian market authors like Melody Carlson, Roseanna M. White, Susie Finkbeiner, and many more.
Roseanna White
Creative Director
WhiteFire Publishing Group
301-707-3756 | r.white@whitefire-publishing.com
View original source at https://whitefire-publishing.com/read/announcing-whitecrown/