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The Fugitive King

(5 customer reviews)


Song of Prophets and Kings Series, Book 4



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By Henry O. Arnold

One king desperately on the run…One king in vengeful pursuit…

One nation in dire turmoil

David is broken off from the realm. The world behind him is destroyed. The world before him is dangerous and unpredictable. He flees from the royal household of King Saul as a fugitive with a death sentence on his head.

In his last days, the prophet Samuel passes the prophetic mantle to his proteges, instructing Nathan and Gad to serve Yahweh and the future king of Israel. But David is king only of caves and deserts, and his subjects are nothing but the dregs of society that flow to the lowest point of the land and stop at his feet. Mercenaries, adventurers, spies—or worse, assassins with no apparent loyalty.

David, who once thought of himself as “an olive tree flourishing in the house of Yahweh,” desperately appeals to the One who can save him: “You are my rock, my fortress. Into Your hands I commit my spirit.”

The Fugitive King continues the tale of triumph and tragedy, of deepest love and burning rivalries. The new epoch is given a voice…and it is The Song of Prophets and Kings.


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5 reviews for The Fugitive King

  1. candideweekes

    The Fugitive King by Henry O. Arnold was a good read.
    It is book 4 of the series « The Song of Prophets and Kings » and even though I hadn’t read the first 3 books, I was able to enjoy the story.
    I enjoyed the characters and I found it really helpful because it talks about the story of David being chased by Saul in a deeper way that what we can read in the Bible. It reads as a story and I really enjoyed it. The author developps the characters really well and it was good to be able to « see » the story from different characters’ perspectives.

    — I received a complimentary copy this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone. —

  2. cbabler27

    The Fugitive King by Henry O. Arnold brings the Biblical account of King David to readers in a new and intriguing perspective. This book gives an interesting look at the life of a well-known and well-studied historical and biblical character, King David, the slayer of the giant Goliath, and the one called “a man after God’s own heart.” Mr. Arnold brings readers this fourth book in his series The Song of Prophets and Kings. Although I have not read the first three books in this series, I was able to read and understand the context of this work. I appreciated the richness of the context of this book with the clear scriptural history and details. It was a very intriguing read for me to have a more first-person view of the life of David and of those in that historic time. I know I take for granted the big picture of the history of David as a shepherd, giant slayer, and king; however, I forget all of the in-between times were full of failures and triumphs and The Fugitive King brings such a worthy tale to life.
    While I greatly appreciate the genre of biblical fiction, I do think there is an important disclaimer: this is fiction that is based off of the Bible, so not every single specific detail from the book is specifically in the Bible. There is a great perspective that this book brings to the historic accounts of scripture and a more personal and emotional perspective of David and others in this historic time. This was my first time to read Henry O. Arnold’s writings, and I appreciated his writing style and care for accuracy. Overall, this was a very unique read and full of intrigue, heartbreak, and faith. Happy readings!

    Disclaimer: White Fire Publishing graciously provided me with a copy of this book. All opinions are my own and part of an unbiased review.

  3. writerbee21

    I was given a complimentary copy of this book by the publisher. I was not required to provide a good review. All opinions are mine.

    This book was amazing!!! I was not expecting to be drawn into the story so well! I’ll put all the things I loved into different sections.

    The Villains-
    The villains were unique, and different from each other, but all were deadly..Mr. Arnold did an excellent job of making them each stand on their own, but still be evil and deadly even in the same scene.

    Wow! Mr. Arnold took one of the most complex characters from Scripture and brought him to life very well! He balances David’s strengths and weaknesses very well. Also, I just love how David sings throughout the book!

    The Prophets-
    We have Samuel as an important character, but there were several other biblical prophets in this story. It was so fun to see possible origin stories for these prophets.

    If you love well-done biblical fiction that draws you in and invest you in the story, read this book! I loved it!

  4. dovandobrown

    I really enjoyed The Fugitive King despite not having read the 1st 3 books of this series. (I did go back and read them since I enjoyed this one so much!)
    This book gives us a much more in depth possibility of what David’s life could have been like on the run from Saul, his early marriages and the development of his followers as well as his faith during this difficult period in his life.
    It also demonstrated David’s growth in his spiritual life. Entertaining, thought provoking and well written with excitement, action, sadness and complex characters, I highly recommend it.
    I received a complimentary copy this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

  5. dovandobrown

    I really enjoyed The Fugitive King despite not having read the 1st 3 books of this series. (I did go back and read them since I enjoyed this one so much!)
    This book gives us a much more in depth possibility of what David’s life could have been like on the run from Saul, his early marriages and the development of his followers as well as of his faith during this difficult period in his life.
    It also demonstrated David’s growth in his spiritual life. Entertaining, thought provoking and well written with excitement, action, sadness and complex characters, I highly recommend it.
    I received a complimentary copy this book from the publishers. I was not required to provide a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

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