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The Snowball Fight Professional


Fun 4 Hire Series – Book 2

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by Angela Ruth Strong

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I, Joey Michaels, am the Snowball Fight Professional.

Basically this means that customers pay me to shoot snowballs at other people. I’m going to use the money I make to buy Grandma a great gift that will impress her with how responsible I am so she will give me a puppy for Christmas. Unless, of course, my cousin Winston has anything to do with it …

Earning the puppy wouldn’t be so hard if I didn’t have the following problems:

1) Winston stealing my employee

2) Winston getting me in trouble every time I do something wrong

3) Winston blaming me for things I don’t even do

If I don’t get the puppy … ugh, Winston will get him. And that’s the opposite of everything I want for Christmas. I mean, it is all about me, right?

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Print, Ebook, Audio, Special Edition

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