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Giver of Wonders

(5 customer reviews)


How a Christmas Tradition Began, A Visibullis Story

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by Roseanna M. White

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A miracle once saved her life ~ will another give her a future?

Cyprus was little more than a child when a fall left her paralyzed…and when the boy known as the wonder-worker healed her. Ever since, she has wondered why the Lord spared her, what he has in store for her. But her pagan father thinks she was spared solely so she could be introduced to the wealthy wonder-worker, Nikolaos.

Nikolaos has never questioned that his call in life is to dedicate himself to the church and to God. Never, that is, until he and his cousin Petros meet the compelling Cyprus Visibullis. For years he struggles with the feelings she inspires…and with the sure knowledge that Petros loves her too.

Petros knows he will never be good enough for Cyprus’s father to consider him as a match for his favorite daughter not as long as Nikolaos is there. But when tragedy strikes the Visibullis family, he will do anything to save his beloved. Unfortunately, his beloved is determined to do anything to save her sisters ~ even at the cost of herself.

As the festival of lights bathes their Greek city in beauty, Cyprus, Petros, and Nikolaos celebrate the miracle of their Savior s birth together one last time. And in remembrance of their Lord’s greatest gift, one of them will make the ultimate sacrifice for the others…and a centuries-long tradition will be born.

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5 reviews for Giver of Wonders

  1. Anne Payne

    5 STARS!!!
    I would give it 10 if I could!

    There are always deep spiritual truths and life lessons to be learned when reading one of White’s stories. Giver of Wonders is full of richness that goes beyond imagination.

    Soon after beginning to read the story, I had to reach for a highlighter. Page 107 contains some wise advice given to Nikolaos by his uncle in regards to helping those in need.

    “Nikolaos.” Uncle’s wizened hand settled, warm and comfortable on his shoulder. “You cannot save the world. You cannot give to all who have need. If you ever begin doling out your gold, you will soon find the whole countryside clamoring at your door, claiming desperation.”

    “But they are not the world—they are my friends.”

    “All the more reason to stay out of their affairs. It is one thing to help a friend in need, but to obliterate their debts, to take from them the consequences they have rightly earned…” Uncle shook his head, and a wisp of silver hair drifted across his cheek. “Give without reason and you will take from them a reason to improve. Dorus Visibullis has a lesson to learn here. One he will not learn if he does not taste the fruits of his behavior.” (emphasis mine)

    To understand the full context of the quote, you will have to read the story but the reason this passage spoke to me as it did is because often when dealing with choices my children make, I want to ‘fix’ everything for them so they don’t suffer the consequences. You know, make life easier for them than it was for me. But that is not in their best interest. As Uncle says, there are lessons to be learned and they can only be learned by experience. I want the Lord to use each opportunity to draw my children closer to him, to trust him more, to use their knowledge aptly, applying it correctly so they can become wise.

    I truly cannot express the depths of love and faith that this story holds. It has a fascinating cast of characters and gives a greater understanding of the legend of St. Nikolaos. The historical luxuriance is enthralling. My heart actually swelled with emotion throughout this story of miracles, love, heartache, sacrifice and wonder. It is one I will not ever forget.

    I was provided a copy of Giver of Wonders from the author and Celebrate Lit blogging program. No positive review was required and no compensation has been received.

  2. leliamae

    Well researched and very well written historical fiction based on Saint Nikolaos, not the premise that we think of the jolly man in the red suit. Nikolaos has the ability to heal people that have the faith in God to believe. He is best friends with his cousin Petros and together they have their first encounter with Cyprus when she falls. This is a story of love, loss, self sacrifice, faith, tragedy, and touches your heart deeply. Ms White has a way with words that bring the characters and settings to life, that make you feel you are there observing the story as it progresses like a well oiled machine. This is not your typical Christmas story, but has meat that you can sink your teeth into and have an enjoyable read. Hard to put down.
    I received a complimentary copy from the author. The honest review and opinions are not required.

  3. Rebecca Maney

    “Yours is not to live the life of an invalid, Cyprus, not today. Yours is to know the power of God.”

    Young Cyprus Visibullis has never known such fear; falling from a rooftop as she frantically tries to escape her would be pursuers, Cyprus awakens to paralysis and two pairs of very concerned eyes. One pair issues her a gentle command that will change the course of her life forever, “get up and walk”. The “wonder worker” of Patara, Lycia has harnessed the mighty power of the Holy Spirit and healed her.

    Years pass as Cyprus and her twin sisters mature into very lovely young women with bright futures and secure betrothals. Their father, a famed local merchant with seemingly endless resources, is determined to have his daughters marry into wealth. Openly pagan, Dorus Visibullus indulges his wife’s faith upon occasion, but publicly insists that the wealthy Nikolaos, son of Ephanius, should forsake his intentions of priesthood and seek engagement to his daughter, Cyprus. Faithfully by the side of his cousin, is Petros, son of Theophanes, an aspiring lawyer, who becomes clearly enamored with the raven haired beauty.

    When tragedy strikes and the Visibullus family loses all they hold dear, Dorus curses the God of his youth and insists that only gold raining down from the heavens will save his family from ultimate ruin. Savor this intensely beautiful and romantic story with a depth of spiritual undertones that are clearly inspired, reminding all of us, maybe for the first time, that the beloved Saint Nicholas of the fourth century church was indeed a “giver of wonders”.

    I received a copy of this book from the author. The opinions stated above are entirely my own.

  4. Debbie

    “Giver Of Wonders” by Roseanna M. White is a wonderful story. I absolutely loved this book and I stayed up till 2 am to finish it because I just had to know how it ended. And it was worth missing a couple of hours of sleep.

    If you want to know how the story of St. Nicholas got started then you need to read this book, no this book isn’t about Santa Claus coming on Christmas Eve and bringing toys to good little boys and girls, but about a man who loved God and gave gifts secretly to those in need.

    This book made me cry and then it made my heart rejoice.

    This book would be a great story to read anytime you need to be reminded that there is good and honest people in this world, even if this story is about the past. This story is also one that could be a Christmas favorite every year!

    I can’t believe fathers and future father in laws were like the fathers in this story, this story is written about the time that fathers were expected to give dowrys when their daughters were married.

    This book is also a love story about two people in love that overcome many obstacles.

    I am giving “Giver of Wonders” by Roseanna M. White five stars but wish I could give it more. I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

  5. calamity_manda

    This story is amazing! I love how Roseanna brings to life the original story behind St. Nicholas, something I hadn’t read much on. I can imagine that it is hard to write about someone who lived so long ago (with finding information about them). I thought that the story was excellent, since it flows well and does St. Nicholas justice. Two thumbs up!

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