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Riptide Rumors

(6 customer reviews)


The Legacy of Sunset Cove Series – Book 2

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by Melody Carlson

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If the Tide Doesn’t Change, Who Will Pay the Price?

As autumn of 1916 descends upon the once-peaceful town of Sunset Cove, Anna McDowell has great hopes that the excitement of the summer will be over, now that a few of the key players in the rum-running ring have been arrested. But with a daring jailbreak getting the town in a dither again, she knows that the danger hasn’t passed for anyone in her coastal hometown.

With a mayoral election keeping tensions high and the authorities busy searching for those behind the jailbreak, Anna has plenty to keep the newspaper busy. But when her sixteen-year-old daughter begins making noises about leaving high school and abandoning dreams of college, Anna realizes that prohibition isn’t the only thing she needs to be worrying about.

How deep does the root of corruption run in their town? As she digs deeper, Anna is forced to put the concerns of her own heart on hold in an effort to save some of the people dearest to her.

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6 reviews for Riptide Rumors

  1. mindyhoung

    This is book 2 in The Legacy of Sunset Cove series and picks up right where the first book, Harbor Secrets, left off. So it’s best to read Harbor Secrets first before reading this book since this book relies on the plot and characters from the first book to build momentum and expand the original plot.

    Sunset Cove is a small coastal town in Oregon that is heavily involved in alcohol making and distributing during 1916 Prohibition Era. Anna, the town newspaper’s editor-in-chief, is determined to bring down those who are illegally producing and distributing alcohol, especially when the current mayor and the local police chief’s protege are suspected to be involved. There are multiple subplots, like Anna’s daughter Katy’s dream of becoming an elite dressmaker, Anna’s divorced parents once again drawing closer, as well as romantic interests for both Anna and Katy, in addition to the mystery, suspense, and excitement involving the rum runners. The plot is well-crafted and the author’s writing style is easy to read. If you enjoy historical fiction, you will certainly enjoy this book.

    I received a copy of the book from WhiteFire Publishing via Celebrate Lit Tours and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.

  2. bettimace

    What a wonderful continuation of the story that began in Harbor Secrets. This second book in The Legacy of Sunset Cove allows us to get to know some of the characters in more detail. It is fall in 1916 and the war in Europe is heating up. So far, it is just something in the news in this small town on the coast in Oregon. However, the possibility that the US will join the fighting has many on edge. It’s election season and candidates must now consider the female vote. Prohibition in this town has left havoc in its wake with arrests, murder and regular raids on likely places.
    Life, however, goes on with new and wonderful things happening around town. The amateur sleuths continue to ‘help’ the local police department bringing facts to light that might not have been discovered otherwise. The newspaper continues to flourish with its female editor in chief and relationships grow and change.
    I am looking forward to the next book in this fabulous series! This ARC was received through CelebrateLit. The impressions and opinions are my own.

  3. Deana

    It is so nice to be back with Anna and Kate in Sunset Cove. Anna has been busy with the newspaper and watching her daughter start to become independent. The story is the second in a series called, The Legacy of Sunset Cove. I have been anxious to read this book because the author left us with some unanswered questions. I love reading about Anna and challenges of running a newspaper. The town is slowly starting to accept a woman editor, but some good old boys still don’t like it. They weren’t thrilled when finally the women got the right to vote. Things are really changing in the world and there is also talk of war.

    For some reason this story reminded me of the show called The Gilmore Girls. Anna and Katy are very close but at times they disagree just like on the show. They share their thoughts and I love how Katy is becoming more of a young woman and thinking of her future. There will be a disagreement about her future. The author does a great job of allowing us to watch Katy take on challenges and prove herself to her family. I have to say I really enjoyed getting to know Katy and Anna better.

    There is a mystery going on in town that will shake the community. A murder has taken place and if that wasn’t enough there is a jail break. Anna has her hands full trying to cover both stories and does a little investigation on her own. There are several suspects and it looks like rum running is still a big problem in the town.

    Anna has two men who may be interested in her and it makes for a wonderful journey to watch Anna finally relax a little and get courted. I wonder who she will end up with? Like mother like daughter as the saying goes because Katy has two suitors herself. I can tell you I’m not happy with one of them. He seems shady and quick to move things along with Katy. Beware Katy. He is up to no good.

    The story is exciting, action packed, filled with corruption, and a mayoral race along with many surprises. I’m hoping there is another book in the series, because the author has left me with some questions I need answered. If you are looking for a light read with faith and intrigue , this is the perfect book for you.

    I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

  4. mouttet.menagerie

    Riptide Rumors is book two in The Legacy of Sunset Cover series by Melody Carlson. While I did read book one, Harbor Secrets, and many of the characters are the same, I think you could probably read book two without reading book one first – although I think you will want to read them in order.

    Melody Carlson continues the character development she started in book one. Some of the mysteries introduced in Harbor Secrets are solved in Riptide Rumors and a few new ones creep into the plot. Romance is also part of the plot – some started in book one are developing nicely in book two. Other romances are started – some between characters you never would have expected in book one. Readers will be surprised by some of the actions of the characters and thankful for the outcome. In this title Melody presents some “opposing viewpoints” to prohibition and not just from law breakers. I appreciate the balanced approach to what was a difficult issue.

    Melody is a prolific author and her books are always well-done and enjoyable to read. I look forward to reading book three Surf Smugglers later this summer.

    I enjoyed Riptide Rumors and would not hesitate to place it in my K-12 Christian School library. This is a great young adult read. `

    I want to thank Melody Carlson and Celebrate Lit for the complimentary e-copy of Riptide Rumors. This is my honest review.

  5. litteraegaudium

    Riptide Rumors by Melody Carlson—4 stars

    “But she was a woman, and even though times were changing—they were not changing fast enough!”

    A continuation of “Harbor Secrets”, “Riptide Rumors” is book two in Melody Carlson’s The Legacy of Sunset Cove series. Book one seems to have been a prologue of sorts, and in this sequel many of the issues that I had with its predecessor are more or less resolved. Most aspects of the story are written with more depth and intensity, and as such this book surpassed the superficiality that I felt characterized much of book one. Sunset Cove comes to life as a small town with credible residents and occurrences, demonstrating that while some matters have changed over the past hundred years, in many ways things have also remained the same.

    Immediately, “Riptide Rumors” plunges readers into intrigue and concern, setting a swifter pace for book two. The issue of corruption remains prevalent as Anna seeks answers as to who else might be involved in rum-running, and the election for mayor also provides plenty of fodder for her newspaper. Not knowing whom to trust as circumstances escalate increases the tension, although I would still characterize this as being relatively light in terms of suspense. Faith did play a larger role here than in the first book, which I appreciated, although I will note that the characters do not seem to grow or mature in their faith. Rather, it is something that is noted by their praying. As for the characters themselves, they do come across as more multifaceted compared to book one. There is much more conflict in relationships and romance, as well as some teenage angst.

    Friendships are tested, individuals exhibit jealousy, and romantic inclinations abound. For the most part, the characters seem realistic and believable. Katy’s character, in particular, stands out as she reaches the stage of life between adolescence and adulthood, with some of her struggles mirroring those of her mother. Life and love are complicated, and “Riptide Rumors” soundly demonstrates this. With a time-jump in the final chapter and a few unsettled matters, “Riptide Rumors” sets the stage for a third book and leaves readers satisfied yet wanting more. If you enjoy tales of light suspense, family drama, romance, and small-town life, pick up this series and take a trip to Sunset Cove.

    I received a complimentary copy of this book through CelebrateLit and was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.

  6. Debbie

    “Riptide Rumors” by Melody Carlson is the second book in the “The Legacy of Sunset Cove” series. I think a reader would enjoy this novel without reading the first book but I recommend reading it first to get the full impact of the story.

    These books are about family and are love stories. They are about newspapers editors and reporters. I don’t know if there is going to be another novel in this series, but I personally hope there is because there is some questions left unanswered but since the book is about murder and prohibition, I suppose the ending is just like life and some mysteries are never solved.

    In this novel, Anne is still struggling to make the newspapers the best it can be and still trying to make it in a man’s world. In the meantime, her daughter is growing up and struggling with school and trying to decide if she wants to continue or start her dream of owning a dress shop.

    I was kept turning the pages because I was drawn into the scenes whether it was about the newspaper or Annie and Katy or the romances.

    I really liked the ending, and I have to say I am happy to report that I was right on who ended up with who except for one couple, now that one was a complete surprise.

    This book had all the things that I like in books, mystery and faith, love, and forgiveness, family.

    This book’s characters were characters that were easy to believe in and I think the two books would make a really good Hallmark mystery movie.

    I was given a complimentary copy by the author and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are mine own.

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