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When God Made Color

(3 customer reviews)


God doesn’t have a favorite color…

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By Sheri Carmon

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God doesn’t have a favorite color…

God made fish, bugs, birds, and kids in many different shades. All colors of kids are wonderful, and youare one of His fantastic colorful children! In the picture book When God Made Color, the wonders of Creation are spread out before you in all the glories of the rainbow:  the deep purples and blues of night, the bright yellows of day, and the pinks and oranges of flowers. And of course, the colors of all the creatures…including us! The brilliantly-colored illustrations will inspire parent and child alike as together they explore the wonders of God’s incredible universe. The paintings and text interact visually, creating a heartwarming Listen-Look-Locate experience. 

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Print, Ebook, Audio, Special Edition

EPUB – E-Readers, Hardback, MOBI – for Amazon Readers, Paperback, PDF – For Computers, Signed

3 reviews for When God Made Color

  1. calamity_manda

    This is a delightful book on creation and when God made colors. My children enjoyed this storybook, though we were surprised at how many words there are for such a short book. If you have real young children, it may take them a while to grow into this story. That said, we enjoyed it tremendously and can use it when working on colors.
    I received this book through Celebrate Lit. This is my honest review.

  2. Deana

    When God Made Color is a great story about how God created the world in vivid colors. He made flowers with brilliant colors that danced in the wind and stars that twinkled in the sky. It is a wonderful illustrated story for young children to help them understand how God created the Heaven and Earth. He made animals like butterflies that shined with flecks of colors and fish that swam in the sea with breathtaking arrays of color. I really enjoyed how this book will keep the attention of young children while they learn about colors and how God made them..

    I received a copy of these two books from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

  3. Debbie

    “Isaac’s Ice Cream Tree” by Angela Henderson & “When God Made Color” by Sheri Carmon are two really cute children’s books.

    “When God Made Color” by Sheri Carmon is a book about creation and how God used all the different colors to create the world and all of its many wonders, such as fish, bugs, birds, flowers and leaves and etc and his greatest creation which is people and how He made us all different. The pages in this book is very colorful. I think for children that is familiar with the creation story, this book is a very good reminder and I think so of them would like to look at the pictures and tell the adults the story in their own words.

    “Isaac’s Ice Cream Tree” by Angela Henderson is a fun story about a tree and how a boy shares his treats with it and the tree in turn gives him icecream. I really feel that all children would really enjoy hearing this story over and over again. I am sure that most children would enjoy looking at the pictures and telling the story to the adults in their lives.

    Both of these books would make great birthday presents for children and if you are like me and like to give books as babies showers gifts, I would recommend these two, of course it would be awhile before the child could really read them but I like to give gifts that can be used later and something that others doesn’t give and gifts that keeps on giving and books definitely keep on giving.

    I was given a complimentary copy of both books by the authors and Celebrate Lit. These opinions are my own.

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