Meet the Misfits
Meet the Misfits Zoey’s pretty sure her life is over when her wannaba-rockstar mother uproots her from from their home in Seattle and deposits her in Nowheresville, Oregon to live with her whackadoodle grandparents. Things start to look up, though, when she...
Riptide Rumors
Riptide Rumors The Legacy of Sunset Cove Series – Book 2 by Melody Carlson If the Tide Doesn’t Change, Who Will Pay the Price? As autumn of 1916 descends upon the once-peaceful town of Sunset Cove, Anna McDowell has great hopes that the excitement of the summer...
Gone Too Soon
Gone Too Soon by Melody Carlson An icy road. A car crash.A family changed forever. Hannah Josephson had always been the “perfect” daughter. Kiera couldn’t live up to her before, and she certainly can’t now that her older sister has died in a car accident. But the...