No Plan B
No Plan B: Discovering God’s Blueprint for Your Life by Nelson Hannah What if you discover that you are working the wrong plan for your life and failure is imminent? What if the very plan you are working so hard to achieve doesn’t really exist and has never...
Listening Prayer:
Listening Prayer: Learning to Hear the Shepherd’s Voice by Joanne Hillman Listening Prayer is a Bible-based method of hearing God’s precious voice, so relationships can be healed and personal struggles overcome. The simple technique presented is so appealing...
Guard Your Heart:
Guard Your Heart: by Audrey Phillips Jose Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” Very poetical, but how practical? From this verse in Proverbs 4 (and three others keeping it in context), we have four pieces of advice for guarding our heart by being...
Catching Up with Daylight: A Journey to Wholeness
by Gail Kittleson Many of us long for rest, as the author did while renovating an old house after her husband’s first deployment to Iraq. Yet a different hunger undergirded that desire: a hunger for wholeness. No fast track exists to a closer walk with God, but...
Barn Doors
Barn Doors by Emma Broch Stuart Hearing God’s voice in my life isn’t always easy. Sometimes He gives me a blank canvas and lets me paint to my heart’s content—as long as I stay within the boundaries of the canvas. When I feel Him leading me down a certain road, I...
Broken Umbrellas
Broken Umbrellas by Emma Broch Stuart It snowed the day of my grandson’s funeral. Pure grace blanketing dirty mounds of earth. Through my tears, my gaze fell on a sagging blue umbrella suspended over the head of a woman grieving our tiny loss with us. New...
A Soft Breath of Wind
A Soft Breath of Wind Sequel to A Stray Drop of Blood by Roseanna M. White A gift that has branded her for life Zipporah is thirteen when the Spirit descends upon her, opening her eyes to a world beyond the physical goings-on of the villa outside Rome she...
Jewel of Persia
Jewel of Persia by Roseanna M. White How can she love the king of kings without forsaking her Lord of lords? Kasia grew up in a poor Jewish home with more siblings than luxuries. But when a chance encounter forces her to the palace of Xerxes, she becomes a...