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Heart of a Royal

(21 customer reviews)


Daughters of Peverell Book 1

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By  Hannah Currie

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Brought to the palace as a newborn, the royal life bestowed upon Mackenna Sparrow was never meant to last forever. With Princess Alina engaged to be married, Mackenna’s presence as companion is no longer required and, like it or not, she must return to the birthright which should have been hers – that of a commoner. But not everyone at the palace wants her gone. When the truths she’s based her life on start crumbling as fast as her future, will she find the courage to trust, both herself and the prince she’s fallen in love with?


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21 reviews for Heart of a Royal

  1. Adventurous Bookworm

    I’d like to introduce you to a new favorite book. Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie.
    The characters were definitely my favorite part of the story. First, the future king, Ben, so set in what he wants, not giving in to the whims of others. Adored by the people, Kenna would be the perfect best friend. She was so sweet and thoughtful to everyone she met. Kenna’s mother is someone that I would love to meet in real life. She had so much wisdom and insight to offer and her joy was contagious.
    Early on, this book may seem similar to The Selection, but keep reading. Plot twists are a-coming. And boy, will they surprise you.
    I can’t wait to read more from Hannah someday!
    (Did you see the cover of this?)
    Rating: 5 Stars
    Content: 4 Stars
    *I received a complimentary copy of this novel from the author. All thoughts are my own and a positive review was not required.

  2. RusticReader (verified owner)

    This book was an absolute delight to read. It was cute and sweet and everything I needed at the time. An uplifting story that left a smile on my face.

    Kenna and Ben were super endearing right from the start. Ben’s an honorable guy. Such a gentleman. I couldn’t help but fall for him. Kenna experiences quite a few big changes during the course of the book and I thought she handled them with grace and, though she might deny it, bravery.

    Royalty books are always so much fun and this one was really good. I thought the ending wrapped up a little too quickly but, all in all, I enjoyed it a lot and am very much looking forward to more from this author.

  3. Cara Grandle (verified owner)

    I gobbled this up. I confess that I’m in my mid-forties and I love YA Princess books. Worth the time for sure.

  4. Cara Grandle (verified owner)

    I gobbled this book up. I confess that I’m in my mid-forties and I love YA princess books. This one is worth the time.

  5. Becca Peterson

    I enjoyed this book very much. It was a present day story with a fairy tale feel to it.  I found myself egrossed in the story and wished it would not end. I enjoyed getting to know Mackenna. She was fun and full of depth. I felt like she was someone I could get to know. I enjoyed reading about the relationships she had with the different people in the castle. Each one had an impact on Mackenna’s life and the future she would have. Hannah Curie weaves gospel truth throughout the story. I think the reader along with Mackenna can learn valuable truths. The only thing I didn’t like was that it ended fairly quickly. There wasn’t any loose ends and I was glad about that. I would have wished to find out more about what happened afterwards. I really hope there is a sequel. I can’t give any more away so you’ll just have to read it. Its a great love story.

    I recommend this story to my family and friends.

    I received this book from the publisher to read and give my honest review. All thoughts are my own.

  6. Deana Dick

    This book is so enchanting, so beautifully written and so engrossing I didn’t want it to end. As I read the book I thought of Lady Dianna and how unsure she was as she became the most photographed woman in the world. Her life changed so drastically the moment she said I do. As little girls many of us dream about marrying a prince and living in a palace. Those dreams sometimes come true but at a cost.

    Kenna is a wonderful character who has grown up in a castle where she was given the name Lady Mackenna. Many people hoped one day that she would become queen. In one moment her life was almost perfect and then in the blink of a eye she was exiled from the palace. I disliked the King and how callous he was in his treatment to Kenna. The king was bitter over losing his wife and for some reason had it in for Kenna.

    Oh Ben be still my heart. The Prince was everything I hoped for in this story. He is handsome, kind, thoughtful and has a big secret. It was easy for me to see how much he loved Kenna, but she kept denying it in her head. The author has written a book so romantic and entertaining that I kept hoping the story would never end. It was easy to picture the ball and the lovely gown Lady Mackenna wore. Her grace and Ben’s charm were nothing short of a fairy tale romance.

    I loved reading how an unexpected event draws Ben and Kenna closer together despite his father’s demands to stop seeing each other. I liked Ben’s ability to follow his heart and not be threatened by his father. Towards the end of the story, the author throws in a wonderful glimpse of God and how much He loves everyone. The ending is touching and the story shows how faith has guided several people in the story. I was captivated by the devotion Ben and others had to something that could possibly get them killed. It is a beautiful story written with such grace, vivid descriptions and the unconditional love of the one true King.

    I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

  7. Sarah Snider

    While most little girls dreamed about being princesses, in the fantasy of my imagination I was a prairie girl—funny, really, because my name is Hebrew for “princess.” I watched all of the Disney movies and read endlessly, so I had a passing familiarity with fairy tales, but the life of royalty never appealed to me as something I would welcome. Too much attention, too many restrictions, having to dress up and entertain…no thanks! Finery and lavish living don’t entice me at all. I will admit that being able to have a gorgeous library for my vast collection of books would be wonderful, though! That aside, however, I gravitate toward frontier fiction and add a few imperial reads for spice. In this case, I’m glad that I did!

    As a debut novel, “Heart of a Royal” swept me off my feet. Hannah Currie crafts a beautiful beginning to the Daughters of Peverell series, and I enjoyed it more than I was expecting to. Although it is primarily a romance, there is also plenty of humor as well as some somber scenes. Even the cover evokes uncertainty and refinement. The interplay between the characters was well done, and although the major plotline itself was for the most part predictable, its execution and details did contain several twists. Mackenna (Kenna) Sparrow narrates the tale in the first person, and from the first line, I liked her. As more or less a companion to Princess Alina, she has lived her entire childhood with the same privileges, but that ends with Alina’s engagement: “For almost eighteen years, I’ve lived the life of a princess. It’s time I stopped pretending to be someone I’m not”. Kenna is much more down to earth and sensible than Alina, with an empathetic nature and compassionate heart. In some ways, Prince Thoraben (Ben) seems too good to be true, although more of his disposition becomes clear later in the narrative. Ashe’s roguish yet caring personality makes him shine. I was a bit disappointed that Kenna’s parents did not feature into the story much, especially given the decisions they made in her life.

    Intended for a teen and young adult audience, “Heart of a Royal” is suitable for older readers as well. While there is some angst, I did not think that it was overdone, and this is a clean Christian story that promotes faith and traditional values. I will confess that there were many times during the narrative when I wondered how Mackenna could be so blind as to not recognize the love being bestowed upon her, but then I realized that we do the same thing. How often do we not realize God’s love for us, even after we are saved? Sadly, we, too, doubt the One who has never left us and who never will. Yet His arms are always open to welcome us home, and if we will take Him at His word and trust Him, as Kenna learns, “All will be well.”

    I received a complimentary copy of this book through CelebrateLit and was not required to post a favorable review. All opinions are my own.

  8. nashpredsfan

    Hannah Currie’s debut novel is one that will delight female readers (both the young and the young-at-heart) with its fairy tale-esque plot.

    Heart of a Royal is told from Kenna’s point of view as her life goes from a dream come true to a nightmare. She can’t seem to gain her footing once the life with all the privileges of a princess is stripped away.

    The descriptions of life in the castle—the balls, the clothes, the finery—was one of my favorite parts of this story. I also loved the interactions between Kenna and Ben but I wanted so many more of those than what this book gave me.
    While the reader catches on fairly quickly of whom Ben is speaking when he tells Kenna he’s chosen a future wife, if he would just come out and tell her, a lot of heartache could be avoided (but I suppose that wouldn’t make for much of a story).

    This is a sweet and entertaining read about falling in love and placing your trust in the One who truly matters in the grand scheme of things. Young (and even not-so-young) ladies will fall in love with Kenna’s good heart, Ben’s sweet patience, and Ashe’s friendship.

    Disclosure statement:
    I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors, including NetGalley. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255.

  9. mindyhoung

    “Having a heart that cared was nothing to apologize for, even if one was a maid.”

    Such a surprising and delightful debut novel from Hannah Currie! Yes, the cover is absolutely gorgeous and there is definitely an ethereal romantic element of a country named Peverell ruled by a monarchy and the dazzle and glamour of royalty, but the book is so much more than another sweet YA prince-falls-in-love-with-a-commoner trope. There is a certain layer of politics and intrigue woven into the storyline and the way faith is integrated into the plot and characters is refreshing and fascinating. Kenna’s almost 18 year old voice is fresh, quite mature for a teenager but also peppered with temper tantrums, recognized selfishness, and flighty thoughts to remind us that she is still indeed a teenager. Prince Thoraben is amusing, absolutely adorable, patient and thoughtful. The story is told in Kenna’s first person voice only, which paves way for us to walk in her shoes and feel all the whirlwind of emotions she experiences.

    Wow, I could not put this book down. If you enjoy YA novels, you will absolutely love this book. I’d love a sequel (maybe there will be one since the book is subtitled “Daughters of Peverell”….).

    I received a copy of the book from WhiteFire Publishing via Celebrate Lit Tours and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.

  10. beckyritta

    Oh my goodness, this book is too cute! Once I started reading, I couldn’t put it down. I loved Kenna and Ben and their developing romance, but even more than that, I enjoyed watching Kenna discover the truth about herself and her world.

    I did feel that the world building was a little light; I wasn’t quite sure where or when the kingdom of Peverell existed. The kingdom felt a little modern and a little medieval all at the same time, and I couldn’t tell if it was supposed to fit in with our world or if it was a fantasy world.

    Overall, though, I loved this book! The characters were great (whether I loved them or hated them), the plot was interesting, and the romance was sweet. I would love to make a return trip to Peverell sooner rather than later.

    Disclosure of material connection: I received this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.

  11. caitlynsantiauthor

    Wow, what an absolutely fantastic debut novel! If you know me at all then you know I am a huge fan of all things Royal, so when I heard about this book I knew I had to read it, and I jumped at the chance to request a review copy!
    Before I finished the first chapter I knew I was going to love this enchanting book, and love it I did! Not since Lisa T. Bergren’s River of Time series has a YA book held me so completely and utterly spellbound as Heart of a Royal did!
    I loved Kenna and Prince Thoraben instantly, and could not stop reading because I had to know what would happen next in their story. And yes, Prince Thoraben left me swooning more times than I can count!
    This book has a perfect mix of drama and wit, along with a beautiful message. Heart of a Royal is everything I hoped it would be, and so much more! This book gave me all the feels, had me laughing out loud numerous times, and made me so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling!
    I already want to re-read it, it’s that good!
    I loved, loved, LOVED everything about this book, and it definitely has a spot on my keeper shelf!
    Heart of a Royal swept me into its story from the first sentence and I hated to leave Peverell when I turned the final page, needless to say I cannot wait for the next book in this series!
    Hannah Currie has a forever fan in me!
    I totally and completely adored this book, and I most highly recommend it! Heart of a Royal is not to be missed!
    (5 Stars!)

    I received a copy of this book from the publisher. Which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own!

  12. tiffhersh612

    An excellent read! It’s been a while since I have read a “princess” story. I must say, it was a nice change of pace, and this was way better than all those fairy tales we read as kids! The characters were amazing. Although Kenna was brought up in a palace among the royal family, she was still a regular person. When the Princess becomes engaged, she is forced to return to the life of a commoner. It was interesting to see her try to adapt to her new lifestyle. I also loved the way the author weaved salvation into this story. I loved how Kenna comes to believe. It truly was an amazingly unique princess story. I highly recommend this one. Now I need to find the rest of the series!

    **I received this book for review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

  13. cbabler27

    If you enjoy fairytales, sweet tales of royalty, fantastical lands, heartache, love, and deep lessons, then pick up Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie. This book is first in her Daughters of Peverell series, and I cannot wait to read the rest of the series! I am new to Ms. Currie’s writing, but I can honestly say that I thoroughly enjoy her stories. Every time I have read one of her books, I have been struck with how well they flowed, how easily I could understand and relate to the characters, as well as how much I appreciated the messages and lessons of faith, character, and how to live life. I found Heart of a Royal to be a wonderfully refreshing tale of faith and integrity amidst the heavy social pressures of the day. While Heart of a Royal is set in a fictional world and time, I believe Ms. Currie’s lessons can be applied to readers of the past, present, and future.  I highly recommend Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie. I hope you have the chance to read it and enjoy it as much as I have! 
    Mackenna Sparrow (such a perfect name, by the way;) has always known life as a royal, though she is the companion of the princess. When Princess Alina’s engagement is announced,  Kenna realizes that it signals the end of her entire way of life. Kenna must return to the life of a commoner.  While at the palace Kenna enjoyed close friendship with the prince and princess and had even entertained a slight crush on Prince Thoraben. After Kenna is booted out of the castle, she and her parents begin their lives outside of the royal palace. Every day away from the castle, Kenna learns more about what in life is really true and lasting. Kenna soon discovers that there is far more going on behind the scenes than she was aware. Can Kenna trust that she has a future beyond being a companion to the princess? Will she be able to find love? Read Heart of a Royal to find out for yourself! I appreciated the whole package this book brought, great plot, adventure, strong and honorable characters, romance, faith, and so much more. This genuinely was an outstanding book that drew me in from the first page! Pick up Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie to go on an excellent and captivating tale! Happy readings!
    Disclaimer: White Crown Publishing graciously provided me with a copy of this book . All opinions are my own and part of an unbiased review.

  14. mdowmdowusa

    Isn’t this cover gorgeous? I’ll admit it’s what first drew me to this book, but the story is what kept me completely engaged. I loved Heart of a Royal! I’m a huge fan of royal romances and thoroughly enjoyed this story! It reminded me a bit of the Selection series, but I’m happy to say it’s its own unique story that I liked even more. No annoying love triangles, a likable heroine, and a prince that’s a prince in every way.

    MacKenna “Kenna” Sparrow grew up alongside the King’s son and daughter since the death of the Queen. As the attendant to Princess Alina, she’s been treated as a princess herself and gained the respect of the people. Her close friendship with Crown Prince Thoraben starts rumors that she might be the future queen. As rebels threaten the Kingdom, the king’s determined to have both his children marry well. When his daughter becomes engaged, he wants MacKenna and her family gone from the palace, but, Prince Thoraben, “Ben” doesn’t want her to leave. Will their relationship survive?

    Told exclusively from Kenna’s point of view, this story grabbed me from the first and I had a hard time putting it down. I easily connected with her and enjoyed her first person narration. I was intrigued by her relationship with the prince, Ben, and couldn’t wait to see what would happen between them. Kenna’s a bit clueless at first. It’s obvious Ben’s in love with her, but she doesn’t see it. I loved how he convinces her of his feelings.

    There are several twists and turns which I didn’t see coming. I’m intrigued by the rebels and how they will affect the Kingdom. I loved the swoon-worthy romance but also the relationships between Kenna and her parents. While the King makes a good villain, he’s made sympathetic by what happened in the past and his misguided love for his children.

    The ending left me satisfied though I still had several questions. I can’t wait to see what happens in future books. Though this is considered YA Christian fiction, there’s very little mention of faith until close to the end and I enjoyed the clever way it’s introduced. It’s also a clean romance that teen YA readers and their parents will especially enjoy.

    Highly recommend to those who love royal romances with a touch of faith. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

  15. MelissasBookshelf

    Isn’t this cover gorgeous? I’ll admit it’s what first drew me to this book, but the story is what kept me completely engaged. I loved Heart of a Royal! I’m a huge fan of royal romances and thoroughly enjoyed this story! It reminded me a bit of the Selection series, but I’m happy to say it’s its own unique story that I liked even more. No annoying love triangles, a likable heroine, and a prince that’s a prince in every way.

    MacKenna “Kenna” Sparrow grew up alongside the King’s son and daughter since the death of the Queen. As the attendant to Princess Alina, she’s been treated as a princess herself and gained the respect of the people. Her close friendship with Crown Prince Thoraben starts rumors that she might be the future queen. As rebels threaten the Kingdom, the king’s determined to have both his children marry well. When his daughter becomes engaged, he wants MacKenna and her family gone from the palace, but, Prince Thoraben, “Ben” doesn’t want her to leave. Will their relationship survive?

    Told exclusively from Kenna’s point of view, this story grabbed me from the first and I had a hard time putting it down. I easily connected with her and enjoyed her first person narration. I was intrigued by her relationship with the prince, Ben, and couldn’t wait to see what would happen between them. Kenna’s a bit clueless at first. It’s obvious Ben’s in love with her, but she doesn’t see it. I loved how he convinces her of his feelings.

    There are several twists and turns which I didn’t see coming. I’m intrigued by the rebels and how they will affect the Kingdom. I loved the swoon-worthy romance but also the relationships between Kenna and her parents. While the King makes a good villain, he’s made sympathetic by what happened in the past and his misguided love for his children.

    The ending left me satisfied though I still had several questions. I can’t wait to see what happens in future books. Though this is considered YA Christian fiction, there’s very little mention of faith until close to the end and I enjoyed the clever way it’s introduced. It’s also a clean romance that teen YA readers and their parents will especially enjoy.

    Highly recommend to those who love royal romances with a touch of faith. I received an advanced complimentary copy from the publisher. All opinions are my own and voluntarily provided.

  16. lanabobana

    This delightful story takes the reader on a journey to a new country that feels both modern and medieval. The shiny and dazzling side of royalty is showcased, bringing little girl dreams of palaces and glamour to life. The characters give life to this sweet story with the depth of their relationships and self discovery. Their flaws make the whole thing realistic and just add to the story. I loved how every relationship McKenna had showed her how to learn through the hard times and grow. I also loved how God and faith were woven easily through the story and the interactions the characters had.
    This is a sweet romance that checks all the right boxes. There were enough twists that even if you guessed the ending, the trip there was interesting and engaging. I can’t wait to read the next book in this series to learn more about each character I met in this first book. If you are looking for a royal book that will entertain and draw you into a wonderful story, do not hesitate to start this book. And be ready to binge read through the entire story! Through it all is a wonderful example of learning and leaning into the love of the One who reigns supreme. I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

  17. ptrollan7

    Everyone loves a princess story, right?!?

    Well. This is not your ordinary princess story and by that I mean she’s not really a princess. Not a fake identity story and not a sappy story, Heart of a Royal spins an original tale with oh so many fairytale feels. The sparkle, the tiaras and dresses, a castle with a tower and a charming prince or two, all fit rather nicely within the pages of this book. What’s not to love!!

    At almost eighteen, “Kenna” contemplates the reality of her future…which ends up being very different from what she expected. This book is a perfect YA romance, yet I am a much older reader and adored it as well. I loved Currie’s writing style, characters and inclusion of a strong spiritual arc so much that I want to read the whole series! You will too!

    This book is suitable for teens and older with no inappropriate intimate scenes and no bad language. I received this book from the author/publisher free of charge, with no expectation of a positive review.

  18. Stephanie York

    All will be well.

    This was such a good book. Kenna and Ben are a cute royal love story. I loved the relationships between Kenna and everyone else in the story. There is love, drama, and a little bit of suspense and danger. This is a good book into knowing your worth in the eyes of God and people and growing into who God wants you to be.

    I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

  19. candideweekes

    “Brought to the palace as a newborn, the royal life bestowed upon Mackenna Sparrow was never meant to last forever. With Princess Alina engaged to be married, Mackenna’s presence as companion is no longer required and, like it or not, she must return to the birthright which should have been hers – that of a commoner.

    But not everyone at the palace wants her gone. When the truths she’s based her life on start crumbling as fast as her future, will she find the courage to trust, both herself and the prince she’s fallen in love with?”

    Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie is one of my favourite books.
    I already read it more than once since I discovered it a couple years ago !
    Hannah did a great job developping the characters and it was really easy for me to relate to Mackenna and her story.
    I really enjoyed how the author told the story through the eyes of both the main characters. it was great to be able to “see” and “feel” what the two characters were feeling and going through.

    I know I will re-re-re read this story again soon 🙂

  20. bloomingwithbooks

    Heart of a Royal
    Daughters of Peverell #1
    By Hannah Currie
    Heart of a Royal is a lovely book and perfect for Valentine’s. For more than 17 years, Mackenna (Kenna) Sparrow has lived the life of a princess. When Princess Alina’s mother died shortly after her birth, Kenna was raised alongside her when her mother stepped in to help care for the motherless baby. But though she has lived the life of a royal, Kenna knows that it will all end when Alina marries.

    But what Kenna never knew was just how much certain people resented her, though most adored her. And with her final days living as a royal coming to an end, she is torn by her feelings. Her friendships with Princess Alina and Prince Thoraben are seemingly at an end. The fact of which is more painful than she had expected. What does a nearly 18-year-old former princess’s companion do for the rest of her life? With questions and no answers in sight, she needs to untangle what she does and doesn’t know about those closest to her before she can move forward into her new life as a commoner.

    This is the first book in the Daughters of Peverell series, and my goodness, it is filled with secrets and dangers. The land is under threat from rebels and has been to Kenna’s knowledge all her life and even before. In fact, a former friend was even expelled from the kingdom because of her rebellious leanings and refusal to see the error of her beliefs! With danger so close, there are fears that Kenna could be a target because of her close association with the royals.

    But there is so much more to the story than what first appears, and it is interesting to see how everything unfolds. And believe me, there is a real doozie of a twist. There are actually a couple of twists that reveal some interesting facts about the various characters. It is also interesting how one decision can change the course of a life or even a kingdom. After reading this book, I really need to know what comes next. This book ends not on a cliffhanger, but it is obvious that there is so much more to the story. Overall this is a sweet read and one that explores family, responsibility, and truth. I feel that this is a clean read for teens looking for an alternative to the normal romance that is readily available today.

    I was provided a complimentary copy of this book with no expectations but that I provide my honest opinion. All thoughts expressed are my own.

  21. kewkew34

    Heart of a Royal by Hannah Currie is not your usual royal romance type story. I’ve seen where the girl finds out she’s a princess. Or the girl isn’t a princess but falls in love with a guy and then finds out he is a prince. In this story the girl, Mackenna Sparrow, knows the guy is the prince. She’s been brought up in the castle with Prince Thoraben and Princess Alina, they are close friends, and Kenna has been treated almost like royalty herself. However, once Princess Alina gets engaged, it’s back to being a commoner for Kenna. What she didn’t anticipate was the way she was going to be treated. She also didn’t realize she was falling in love with the prince, Thoraben, or Ben. Though she keeps trying to deny it. And of course she feels inadequate and believes there is no way the prince could love her. Could he?

    One of the things that sort of drove me nuts in this book was the lack of communication between Ben and Kenna, and all the jumping to conclusions. I also didn’t understand why Kenna was hated by a certain character so much.

    During this time the kingdom of Peverell is threatened by rebels, and has been for years. At least that is what Kenna believes and worries about, especially after she is no longer protected by the walls of the castle.

    Kenna at times seemed to be so prone to crying. Though I guess I may react the same way if my life was upended the way hers was. She supposedly has characteristics that make the people think she will make a great future queen. I just wish we had gotten to see more of that side of her. I guess there are just some things that don’t add up for me.

    I also questioned throughout the majority of the book how the book was actually Christian fiction. There wasn’t any mention of God until the very end. Oh, it is a clean book where morals take precedence. But I was confused when it came to the lack of mention of God. However, once you get to the end of the book, all is made clear. So yes, this is Christian fiction. It is meant for young adults, but I really enjoyed it. There are a couple of instances of leering looks, so I may prefer to have my older teens read it as opposed to my younger teen.

    I can’t wait to read the remainder of the series. It’s definitely grabbed my attention.

    I received a copy of this book as a member of the review team and was not required to write a favorable review. These are my own honest thoughts.

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